ASWAD is a not-for-profit organization of international scholars seeking to further understandings of the African Diaspora, that is, the dispersal of peoples of African descent throughout the world. We do this through conferences and symposiums, as well as through publications. We also look for ways to share our work with students and the general community. All who share these interests are welcome to join ASWAD. By joining ASWAD you will be informed of all the Association’s activities and initiatives, and be eligible to participate in ASWAD conferences and governance. You will also have access to any conference papers, live streams, and videos made available on the ASWAD main website.
Join or renew your ASWAD membership today and:
ASWAD individual and institutional memberships are valid for 2 calendar years (Jan-Dec), regardless of the date joined. All members who renewed or joined in 2023 or 2024 will need to renew memberships by December 31, 2024. We will begin sending out renewal notices on November 1 of each biennial renewal cycle to ensure that everyone continues to reap the benefits of their ASWAD memberships.
To join ASWAD or to renew your membership, please click "Join or Renew" in the Quick Links menu on the top right of this page.
Please note that if you do not renew your membership before the end of the renewal period, your membership will lapse and you will no longer be able to log into your membership profile. To correct this, please pay your membership renewal either using the renewal link sent via email or by clicking "Join or Renew" in the Quick Links menu. If you have not received the renewal email(s), please check your spam folder. To avoid missing renewal emails or other correspondence from ASWAD in the future, please set your spam filter to accept emails from and
If you are still within the renewal period, another way to renew your membership would be to log into your profile and pay the membership invoice. To do so, please log into your membership profile, click "My Profile," click "My Profile" again on the next landing page, and click "Invoices." Once you have arrived at the membership renewal invoice, you will have the option to pay the amount due via our payment processor online.
Finally, to retrieve a paid invoice (receipt) for membership, conference registration, or conference excursions, please log into your profile and navigate to "Invoices" per the instructions above. Once you arrive on the "Invoices" landing page, you can select any paid invoice to download or print for your records.
Our individual membership rates are as follows: